Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New iPod ... Kinda

I was listening to a FLOSS Weekly podcast yesterday, and the one I was listening to featured the program Rockbox. This program is one you install on your iPod to replace the one Apple ships installed. Not only can I now change how my iPod 30G video model looks, I also get tons of other features. Some of these new features includes games, the ability to play a wide range of file formats, themes and so much more!The main reason I wanted to switch was I wanted ogg support. iPods do not support this open source file type at all. In fact, it's hard to find a handheld media player that will. Another great feature since the last time I used Rockbox is they have an automated installer for Linux. This project has come such a long way! I used it when I first got my iPod and converted my Archos 5ooo mp3 player over. Their list of supported player is huge. Don't worry about messing anything up either. Their installer lets you undo everything you do and their documentaion is outstanding.

So what are you waiting for? Get on over there and let your mp3 player be all it can be!

1 comment:

Randal L. Schwartz said...

Thanks for listening to FLOSS Weekly. Glad you got something from the Rockbox show!